Bkk, Thailand 'o9
I'm back:) Went to Bangkok on the 5th,6th & 7th. Shopped like crazy. My legs are literally numb right now. Gosh. So tiring. But it was supa fun. Spent about 800. Ringgit ! Geee. I'm officially broke. Had a really weird encounter in the airport. There was this lady, well, more like woman. Quite old i assume? In her late 30's. So yupp. She was holding on to some teddy bear that looks like a freaking voodoo. She was stroking the teddy bear's fur and talking to it. Omg man. Daamn eerie! She was with this guy, quite old like grandpa, but the air-stewardess said it's her husband. He was also talking to the teddy. Wtf... There was no pins on the teddy but i think there's a small tiny pouch in the teddy's outfit. Yer, my gosh. Damn creepy. And she sat first class with us. I was freaking out the whole way. Must be mentally ill or something. Gosh, don't wanna think about it ! Brrr.
Anyhoos, back to the awesome trip. Posted loads of pictures. Sis-in-law & I manage to go to SeaWorld in Siam Paragon. Ticket was pretty pricey but it was worth it! We went to Siam Centre, Siam Paragon, Mabroonkong (MBK), and Central World. Thailand damn alot of pretty girls man. Even in the train station there's soo many lenglui. Heh. Even those aqua also so pretty wth. Ok, I gotta warn you, it's a looooong post ahead. So enjoy :)
Our hotel in Ploenchit road.

Sis-in-law, Juvyn :)

The view from our suite.
And again.
Room 2701.
Aircond was freezing cold.

Our little 'lounge' in the room.
So tempting after a long day of shopping.
It looks like a friggin' wallpaper, no?
Leopard print eel.
Penguins! They're so cute and bubbly. :)
Maybe one day when you open your fridge you'll find some fishes swimming inside? :)
And when you cook maggie too? :)

JuvynLimSiewVen. Oh, scratch that. Juvyn CHEN now. Haaa:)

Huge aquarium.

*Jeng jeng jeng jeng*

I'munna eat choo before i turn into your soup!
'Stop staring, i know i haven't been to the dentist in ages' lol.
Sting-ray. Oh-so-graceful when they swim.
Have you seen my son, Nemo?

That is one fat sharkie :)

Wooh, her pet. Haa.
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming.
The shark's a celeb.
Boo ! Hahahhaha.
Another shark pic.

RAWR. !%&#*%^!#%*!(*
o.O aaargh, go away ! HAHA. this is funneh.
Some fermented fish. Ew


JUNJIE & WEIHONG, check this out !! :D:D
They don't call it 'New Moon' there.
They say Twilight 2. LOL wtf.

Soy 2

Pink shop

Mirror, mirror.

Hey, who's that? :)

Trying to act like a mannequin. Lol ?

Her gorgeous long hair.

Trying to act lala with the just-woke-up face. Omg

Life is good. Only in Bkk haaa.
The view from mom's hotel room. 2726

Siam Paragon food hall.


In the cab :)

Japanese girl hahah.

Otw to MBK.

Spot the tuk-tuk behind. Heee!

'Dear THE valued customers'
'Thank you very much for your SUPPORTING'
HAHAHA. my gawd.
English fail.
Their McD got cheesy fries! Not fair :(

We got to walk up the plane V.I.P. style. ;)

Thai Airway rawks.
Anyhoos, I'm not going to Manchester alr.
I'm going to CAMBRIDGE.
Just got the offer letter from ze college today.
People often get the wrong idea.
Just so you know, the offer letter is not from Cambridge d'oh !
If it is from Uni of Cambridge then it's a miracle.
There's alot of other colleges in Cambridge, ya know?
Bet you don't. So don't get it wrong. Heh.
p.s/ I'm obsessed with SonGa-In, Narsha, KimHyunAh & HanSeungYeon. HOTTTT :)
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