Leave us both up here forever
Spent the whole day with my in-laws yesterday. Had loadsa fun! :D Watched Orphan in GSC Signature Gardens. Gold class babyy! Seat was awesome. But it was preeeeetty pricey. Okay, scratched that. It's freaking expensive. 60 bucks per seat. Goshhh. Four of us went so 240. Gee! But it was all worthit. Hehehee.. The seat was declinable. Free drinks. And you can even order food. Like spaghetti or nasi lemak. The movie was actually really good. Esther seemed really scary. She's a hell of a good actress for a kid. Daaamn, she was crazy azz hell in the movie. There were no one else in the cinema except us. We had the whole theatre to ourselves! Anyhoo, picture time.

Look at her scary face!

Hahahahaha, omg.

Complimentary drinks and pop corn!


Justyn getting all cozy :)

er, haha.
Props to Juvyn for driving us around.
Sunday, sunday, sunday.
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