School's cool! :)
so,basically everyone brought camera last week for the senior page thingy.
everyone was camwhoring everywhere. it was friggin hot and everyone was sweaty and smelly!
*blech*.. there were actually some sad moments in it. everyone is starting to get so close and it's our last year of high school. gahh! and it was super scary to see the looks of those ex-form5 peeps. some were overjoyed and some were crying hysterically. goshh. but for those who got straight A's, congrates! :) the look on Edmond's face when he got his results were literally telling me that all the hard work will be paid off at the end of the day. anyhoos, maxis is launching Apple 3G iPhone on the 20th of March. and i'll be getting it on the same day! woohooo ;D super excited. just got my wii and i'm gonna get another iPhone. *jumps for joy* this is the best month everrrrr. i love March! hahaha :) alrighty, picture timeeeee!
junshien's DSLR.

kyleongjianming! :)

ahhh! David, you gotta stop growing. ;p

jenniferchantianai. davidtanchihwei.



love you to bits, biatch! >:D


nicest addmaths teacher in the worlddddd! :)
o.O ?

junshien caught my ninja turtle dance. LOL.

red ant.

jia chen's results. ZOMGWTFBBQ!
He even took Geography. My gawd. 14 A1, 2 A2, 1 B4. *faints* And he didn't even dare to tell his parents..he said they'll scold him. wtfffffffff. speechless. they prolly expect like.. 15 A1 from him. o.O okay, that's gonna be my inspiration from now on. Hahaaa. Can't wait to get my iPhone next friday! woohoooo ♥♥♥
Alrighteeee,ttfn. Off to play Wii :D
tuning in to 15 Steps by Radiohead
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