okay, i gotta warn you in advance.this is gonna be a heck of a long post! so bare with me,hee..
and don't mind our silliness, but we were having loads of fun :))
last day of exams. last day of school. yay!
our plan didn't work out very well because it started raining after exams. gahh!
but instead..elaine,carmen,junshien and bryan crashed in my place and we ordered pizza :D
love u guys till bits (: wokehhs! i shall let the pictures do the talking.
caution : we're just a buch of dorks having funnn :) however,it may lead to serious jakooness. stay out of reach from children. lol wtf? x)
pictures are not in order. so,go figure! :)

golbin. wohhh!

bryan, junshien, elaine, carmen

kappalpha :)

pop-art baybehh!

check out bryan tucking in his shirt. lol?



bunch of monkeys ;p

dent! x)

omg. wtf! i have no idea what's this. everyone was laughing out loud. don't ask x) tsk!

finally, a decent one :):)
...yet again

brainy people.

first attemp. failed! gahaha.

say 'cis!' lol :)

30 days of night. ha ha ;p tanjong rambutan peopleeeeee.
like the old times.



what's js and bryan doing? ;O

scene #2 : lala disease.

wohhhhh! stylo milo. hahaha
glowing tunnel. (:

peace out with pop art. lol

double junshien. double the trouble.

check out elaine's toe. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! like a lizard. gosh xD
umm,roller coaster? =S

ss! :)

light tunnel again :)

...? :)


chordaidee session :D

candid woiyh.

elainekoksuilyn & carmenchewkahmun

introducing carmen's new blog! http://www.carmenchewkm.blogspot.com/ heee! :D
that's all for todayyyyyyyy. thankyou for your patience.ha ha!
byeeeee, xo's!
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