Thursday, 27 November 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
drenched in wine.
it's been raining these few days.
..the weather made me moody :(
went to driving range yesterday night and i got a!
and while i was washing my hands the skin ripped off :(
it hurts :(
dashboard confessional ♥
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Friday, 14 November 2008
special shoutout to all the bballers :
bryanliangyeehoong. yaplihshyan. terrenceooishanchen. chongzhengyi.
changchanyew. gohjunshien. yangzhenwei. chinhooi. lancelingtekseong.
stevensngtzeyain. limkeekiat. benjamintay.
all the best for your pba thingy :)
Friday, 7 November 2008
woke up quite late today. around 12.
had lunch in TJ Haus with daddy. food was so-so only. hehh..
after that, fionamakkaryan dropped by my place and then we headed to BukitJalil to watch leongelroy's squash game.
elainekoksuilyn couldn't make it because she had piano class :( sad case.
we had a little trouble looking for the squash complex thingy. but we got there anyhoos.
met tonymoeysengleong and victor there. sorry victor, i don't know your full name. hehh.
elroy's brother and his dad were there to support him too.
i'll let the pictures do the talking :)
note : pictures not in order. go figure!
fionamakkaryan & tonymoeysengleong
mak and victor
fishy mak playing with her new iPod nano :)
leongelroy & some HOT perak dude.
set 1.
tonymoeysengleong! :)
warm-up session.
tony and victor
girls match.
bukit jalil squash complex!
that's all for today! had a great time altho some people didn't wanna eat icecream because it was drizzling.some weirdo!
till then,xo!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
foo :)
last day of exams. last day of school. the end of formfour. :)
holidays are here to come! but i'm sure gonna miss school. and my peeps. ahhh!
went to school to return books today. hung around there bout half and hour then ciao-ed.
took a taxi to asiacafe with gohjunshien, and adrianwongzheyang :) while bryanliangyeehoong cycled there.
played pool there with the guys. then we met faris and faiz there too!
met terencefookaiwai there by chance :) small world aye?
he was having his lunch break. so happen to see him there.
then we played foosball together. gosh. kena tapau woiyh. i think i only got two balls in x)
he was reaaaaaaally good at it ;)
oh,and i saw justynlim there! what a coincidence.
then after that i had lunch with terence while the rest was still playing pool.
he was in a rush because he had class at 1. so after makaning we both ciao-ed.
had music class just now around 6. it was really fun today! i don't know why. but fun! :)
anyschoos, off to catch a late night muvee. mamamia! :)
just wanna wish my sis all the best for sejarah tmrw. HAHAHAHA happy copying ;p
i need to know it's me and nobody else,boy.. your arms, xo :)
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
okay, i gotta warn you in advance.
this is gonna be a heck of a long post! so bare with me,hee..
and don't mind our silliness, but we were having loads of fun :))
last day of exams. last day of school. yay!
our plan didn't work out very well because it started raining after exams. gahh!
but instead..elaine,carmen,junshien and bryan crashed in my place and we ordered pizza :D
love u guys till bits (: wokehhs! i shall let the pictures do the talking.
caution : we're just a buch of dorks having funnn :) however,it may lead to serious jakooness. stay out of reach from children. lol wtf? x)
pictures are not in order. so,go figure! :)

golbin. wohhh!

bryan, junshien, elaine, carmen
brainy people.